JC H1 and H2 Economics Study Notes – 6. Price Elasticities of Demand


Previously, we cover the theory of DD and SS. We now move on to elasticity concepts. Think
of such concepts as an extension to the basic demand and supply theories. More
illustrations in our
Econs tutorial lessons.
Elasticity of demand for a good measures the responsiveness of quantity demanded to a
change in one of its determinants. We focus on the price factor, the non-price factor of
incomes and prices of related goods. For
H1 Econs students, you are only required to

learn price elasticity of demand (PED) and price elasticity of supply (PES) . As for H2
pupils, you have to 2 more elasticity concepts of income elasticity of demand
(YED) and cross elasticity of demand (XED or CED).

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We at Adam Smith Economics Tuition, have compiled a complete set of JC notes for students doing H1 & H2 Econs, for the latest syllabus of 8823 and 9757 respectively. We have painstakingly referred to the following varied sources:, which are recommended by SEAB as approved textbooks. Thus, we have done the reading and compilation, so you don’t have to! (Note: Those in italics mean they are referred to more than the rest. Note also that, we did not highlight the specific edition too, any edition in the past 10 years or so will suffice.)

1. Economics Today, by Miller, Roger
2. Economics, by Parkin, Michael 
3. Economics, by Sloman, John, Wride, Alison and Garratt, Dean 
4. Microeconomics: Principles, Problems and Policies, by McConnell, Campbell R and Brue, Stanley
5. The Economic Way of Thinking, by Heyne, Paul, Boettke, Peter and Prychitko, David
6. Economics, by Lipsey, Richard G and Chrystal, K Alec
7. Principles of Economics, by Mankiw, N Gregory Principles of Economics
8. A Microeconomics: A Contemporary Introduction, by McEachern, William
9. A Macroeconomics: A Contemporary Introduction, by McEachern, William

On top of the above textbooks, we did take the best remaining sections from selected junior colleges (DHS, HCI…) and put up this lecture notes set, completely FREE.


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